Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Stuff

Some pics of the Egg-Dying Ritual...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

March Birthdays

OK - We volleyed on & around Gram's birthday on March 1 - th list of her quirks included: Poor Man's Fruitcake, Bunny cakes, Blue Willow, curly hair vs. short hair, her pantsuits, voting for herself, rubbish, the Victorian chair, the snugsack, the apartment on Veree Road, and Chestnut Hill College.

How about this: The "dumb waiter" at Chestnut Hill - lots of fun!

Cousin John (Yerkes - "neighbor cuz") recalls going to breakfast with Aunt Cass...

OK - so, who will scan a photo or two (Kate?) of the object of all this affection?